Friday, 17 June 2011

A fashion no no?

I am all for sitting around at home in track pants and uggies that are worn in combination with old T-shirts you would not want to be caught dead in, but my sister has taken it to a whole other level of late. My jaw drops, my eyes widen and time stops for a minute every time I pass her in the hall ways or in our lounge room wearing......wait for it.....wait for it...Socks and sandals!!!! "NOOOOOO" I tell her, and she looks puzzled, "what?" She replies. "What do you mean what?" I reply, "Scandals and socks are a fashion no no!" I say, "but it's comfortable," she replies. There are things you still wear, but wouldn't be caught dead in and there things you should be shot dead for wearing (just kidding, death should never coincide with fashion...I am talking to you animal killers!!). This was my feelings on socks and scandals a few months ago, but could it be that my sister is on to something and socks with scandals could finally be a fashion yes? I keep seeing the socks with strappy heel scandals trend on the red carpet and grace the pages of Vogue and I am starting to love the look, I have posted some pictures bellow(i don't own any of the photo credits however). What do you guys think? Yes? Or best left for terrible tourists who pair them with Hawaiian shirts?

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